Pinke Sprechblase

Support and Advice

Links and Persons
Pinke Sprechblase
Image: pixabay/ motointermedia

Problems and questions can arise in all phases and areas of studying. The Friedrich Schiller University Jena has a wide variety of facilities and suitable advisory services for this:

  • If you have any questions about admission requirements or about your studies and the organization of your studies in general, the Student Service Center  Studierenden-Service-Zentrum (SSZ) de is the right contact as the central student advisory service. The most important student-related areas of Department 1 are represented centrally in one place. There you will find the student administration, the central student advisory service, further education and the Thoska office.
  • The Academic Studies and Examinations Office Akademische Studien- und Prüfungsamt External link(ASPA) will help you with questions about the examination and study regulations and the organization of examinations for all courses.
  • For new students, we recommend visiting the introductory days  Studieneinführungstage  deand the offers of the  StudierendenwerkExternal link
  • Student advisory services are offered by the FachschaftsratExternal link (FSR). The FSR for Cultural Anthropology and Cultural History can be reached at The offers of the FSR also include a student consultation hour during the lecture period and a mailing list. In the Facebook group “VKKG an der FSU Jena” you will also receive important information and news!
  • Dr. Hedwig Herold-SchmidtExternal link will advise you on organizational issues. Content-related questions about the course of study and the organization can be clarified in a consultation and solutions to problems can be found together.
Studienfachberatung Volkskunde/Kulturgeschichte
Hedwig Herold-Schmidt, Dr
Professur Kulturgeschichte
Dr. Hedwig Herold-Schmidt
Image: privat
Room 308
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Friedemann Schmoll, Univ.-Prof. Dr
Lehrstuhl Volkskunde
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schmoll
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
Room 312
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link