Prof. em. Christel Köhle-Hezinger

Professor for Volkskunde (Cultural Anthropology)

This is what I want to study: Völkerkunde (Ethnology)! "No, it’s VOLKSKUNDE (Cultural Anthropology)" corrected my German teacher: "It is about one’s own culture, while Völkerkunde (Ethnology) studies foreign cultures, those of others!" His distinction, beating about "otherness", led me to this discipline. I knew about his doctoral thesis concerning the "Dialect of the Nagold-Enz Region" and I found it rather weird; as weird as many other people who have been asked the question "Why do I study this strange subject?" in their motivation essay at the "Introduction Course to Volkskunde" in Jena since 1998. In the answers, a clear top list emerged: you could mostly hear about it in the canteen or in your shared flat: that there’s a small and cute department where you can research your favorite pub, handbag or kitchen utensils! Parents, family and environment often acted as a rock to run aground with your choice: What on earth do you want with this? My parents luckily trusted me. Volkskunde, German Philology, and regional history became my exciting agenda. Then, after the first semester, internships were added to my studies, usually with the result: Totally out of the question! But what did I want? The doctorate was followed by scientific and freelance projects, teaching assignments, exhibitions and publications, projects, lectures, work contracts - 13 good years, which opened up new perspectives and themes. In 1988 the "Homeland" Institute of Tübingen offered me a position ("local and regional research, rural area"), and my curiosity for "research and teaching", as well as work with students, prevailed. An "academic career" was never my goal, yet it still came to be: in 1994 a professor was needed in Marburg; in 1998 came the urge of Jena to create a course in Volkskunde, where I remained until my retirement in 2011 with the feeling (as I said in the title of my farewell lecture): "Luckily in Jena..." I would do both again: go to Jena, study Volkskunde, whatever the name is.


  • Books

    Evangelisch - Katholisch. Untersuchungen zu konfessionellem Vorurteil und Konflikt im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert vornehmlich am Beispiel Württembergs, Tübingen 1976.

    Kultur im ländlichen Raum, Tübingen 1989.

    Neuedition Maria Bidlingmaier: Die Bäuerin in zwei Gemeinden Württembergs (1918), Kirchheim 1990.

    "Der glorreiche Lebenslauf unserer Fabrik". Zur Geschichte von Dorf und Baumwollspinnerei Kuchen, Weißenhorn 1991.

    Die Maschinenfabrik in Esslingen 1846-1965, Esslingen 1991.

    Zusammen mit G. Mentges: Der neuen Welt ein neuer Rock, Stuttgart 1993.

    Neue Siedlungen - Neue Fragen. Eine Folgestudie über Heimatvertriebene in Baden-Württemberg - 40 Jahre danach, Tübingen 1995.

    Barockes Welttheater (Edit. einer Chronik d. J. 1716-1727). Stuttgart 1996.

  • Edited Books

    Frauenstudien Baden-Württemberg, Tübingen 1993ff. (10 Bde.)

    Zusammen mit M. Scharfe / R. W. Brednich (Hg.): Männlich. Weiblich. Zur Bedeutung der Kategorie Geschlecht in der Kultur, Münster 1999.

    Zusammen mit S. Göttsch (Hg.): Komplexe Welt. Kulturelle Orientierungssysteme als Orientierung, Münster 2003. 

    Zusammen mit K. Pöge-Alder (Hg.): Europas Mitte - Mitte Europas. Europa als kulturelle Konstruktion, Jena 2008.

  • Full List of Publications

    List of Publications