Dr. Anne Dippel

Research Associate
Anne Dippel, PD Dr.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
PD Dr. Anne Dippel
Foto: Anne Günther (Universität Jena)
Zwätzengasse 3
07743 Jena Google Maps – LageplanExterner Link
Individuell nach Vereinbarung per Email: anne.dippel@uni-jena.de

No other scientific discipline offers such freedoms as Volkskunde (Cultural anthropology). It attracts those who appreciate its holistic outlook as its meticulous immersion into detailed observation. Regardless of whether the subject is research into the consumption of latte macchiato, dark tourism, or computing culture, ethnography and hermeneutical analysis can be used to understand fundamental relations of how people make meaning, and what counts for societies. With anthropology, it is possible to investigate the world of human beings and their diversity, especially from what is usually overlooked because it appears every day or because it seems too marginal. My aspiration to understand the dynamics, structures and mechanisms of human cultures within their environments led me to become an anthropologist. 

After finishing my studies as Magistra Artium in History, European Ethnology and Cultural Studies with a thesis on collective identity formation in the final stages of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, I completed my phD at Humboldt-University Berlin at the intersection of Cultural Anthropology and Media Theory with an ethnography on Austrian writers and their impact on national identity building and German language after 1945. What influence have language and media on collective self-reassurances, and how is collective identity negotiated through cultural work of intellectuals in a society that contributed to the atrocities of the Second World War, and tried to suppress its involvement?

My habilitation project deals with the anthropology of physics, with a special focus on the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland. I am investigating how nature is made and mediated by cultural means and humans are becoming part of a specific collective through the naturecultural act of eating. The field fascinates me, because it allows to understand, how multiple agents weave the fabric of temporality in a data-driven workspace, at the same time orchestrating futures and visions of (un)certainty and sparking promises to contain what is to come. Thus it allows me to understand the genesis of cosmologies and social utopias in digital times, and the entanglement of matter, meaning and media in science, technology and society since the end of the Cold War.

Since October 2014, I have been a scientific lecturer and researcher at the Department for Cultural Anthropology/Cultural History. Since 2014, I have been a lecturer at the Department for Cultural Anthropology/Cultural History of Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. I held fellowships, taught and researched in Germany and abroad, including as Visiting Assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as researcher at the Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestalt” (HU Berlin), as fellow at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Media Cultures of Computer Simulation (MECS) at Lüneburg University and as lecturer at the Department for Ethnology at the University of Heidelberg. For the purpose of my current research I have been an associated member of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) from 2015 to 2018.


  • Future Publications

    Dippel, Anne/ Fizek, Sonia: Laborious Playgrounds: Citizen science games as new modes of work/play in the digital age, In: Glas, René u.a. (Hg.): The Playful Citizen: Knowledge, Creativity, Power, Amsterdam. (Im Druck)

    Dippel Anne: Game of Bosons. An ethnographic inquiry on the significance of games, control and play in high-energy physics at CERN. (In Vorbereitung)

    Dippel Anne: Arbeit, In: Rautenberg, Markus/ Ostritsch, Sebastian (Hg.): Philosophie des Computerspiels. Stuttgart. (In Vorbereitung)

    Dippel Anne: Gesellschaftsspiele. Zur Bedeutung und Funktion von Spielen für gemeinschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, In: Fikentscher, Rüdiger (Hg.): Spielkulturen in Europa. (In Vorbereitung)

  • Books

    Dippel, Anne/ Warnke, Martin: Interferences and Events: On Epistemic Shifts in Physics through Computer Simulations, Lüneburg 2017.

    Dippel, Anne: Dichten und Denken in Österreich. Eine literarische Ethnographie, Wien 2015.

  • Journal Articles

    Dippel, Anne: About Waves, Particles, Events, Computer Simulations and Ethics in Quantum Physics. In: Warnke, Martin (Hg.): Interferences / Events. On epistemic Shifts in Physics through Computer Simulation, Lüneburg 2017, S. 9-20.

    Dippel, Anne: Das Big Data Game. Zur spielerischen Konstitution kollaborativer Wissensproduktion in der Hochenergiephysik am CERN, NTM 4, Leipzig 2017, S. 485 -517. DOI: 10.1007/s00048-017-0181-8.NTM .

    Dippel, Anne: Der eiskalte Engel. https://www.freitag.de/autoren/der-freitag/der-eiskalte-engelExterner Link. In: Freitag 38/2017.

    Dippel, Anne: Vom Auftrag des privilegierten Daseins in prekären Zeiten. Eindrücke einer Visiting Assistant Professor im Program Science, Technology and Society des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), In: CZ, Zeitung des Clusters für Bild-Wissen-Gestaltung der HU Berlin, 2017.

    Dippel, Anne/ Drevermann, Hans/ Salzburger, Andreas/ Scheurmann, Konrad: Bildstrategien am CERN - Ein Fachgespräch über das Sichtbarmachen des Unsichtbaren. In: Scheurmann, Konrad/ Karliczek, André (Hg.): Gesprächsstoff Farbe. Beiträge aus Wissenschaft, Kunst und Gesellschaft, Wien 2017, S. 236-245.

    Dippel Anne/ Fizek, Sonia: Ludification of culture: The significance of play and games in everyday practices of the digital era, in: Koch, Gertraud (Hg.): Digitisation. Theories and Concepts for Empirical Cultural Research, London 2017.

    Dippel, Anne/ Mairhofer, Lukas: Traces and Patterns. Pictures of Interferences and Collisions in the Physics Lab, In: Bock von Wülfingen, Bettina (Hg.): Traces. Generating what was there, Berlin 2017, S. 75-88.

    Dippel, Anne/ Salzburger, Andreas/ Mairhofer, Lukas: Im Gespräch: Beobachtungen in den Naturwissenschaften und bei Brecht. In: Hippe, Christian/ Ißbrücker, Volker (Hg.): Brecht und Naturwissenschaften, Berlin 2017, S. 75-98.

    Dippel, Anne/ Mairhofer, Lukas: Muster und Spuren. Bilder von Interferenzen und Kollisionen im physikalischen Labor, In: Bock von Wülfingen, Bettina (Hg.): Spuren. Erzeugung des Dagewesenen, Berlin 2016, S. 66-77.

    Dippel, Anne/ Fizek, Sonia: Laborious Playgrounds: Citizen science games as new modes of work/play in the digital age, In: Glas, René u.a. (Hg.): The Playful Citizen: Knowledge, Creativity, Power, Amsterdam 2016.

    Dippel, Anne/ Fizek, Sonia: Ludifizierung von Kultur. Zur Bedeutung des Spiels in alltäglichen Praxen der digitalen Ära, In: Koch, Gertraud (Hg.): Digitalisierung. Theorien und Konzepte für die empirische Kulturforschung, Konstanz 2016, S. 363-384.

    Dippel, Anne/ Meinhofer, Lukas: Muster und Spuren. Bilder von Interferenzen und Kollisionen im physikalischen Labor, In: Spuren. Erzeugung des Dagewesenen, Bildwelten des Wissens 1, 2016.

    Dippel, Anne: Der Erlebnisstrom. Ein Werkzeug ethnographischen Schreibens, In: Berliner Blätter 1, Berlin 2015, S. 72-83.

    Dippel, Anne: Words that matter. On the impact of literary writing on collective identity and nation building in Austria. The case of Ingeborg Bachmann, In: Fernández, Johanna/ Gallo Gonzalez, Danae (Hg.): W(h)ither Identity. Locating the Self and Transforming the Social, Trier 2015, S. 155-168.

    Dippel, Anne: Klanghöhle Großstadt, In: Versuchung / Identität, Quottom 5, Rohrbach 2014.

    Dippel, Anne: Entsöhnung und Zerschwisterung: Österreich und Deutschland. Kulturwissenschaftlicher Essay zu nationaler Identität im transmemorialen Zeitalter aus historiographischer Perspektive und mit ethnographischer Methodik, In: Linsenmann, Andreas/ Ludwig, Bernhard (Hg.): Frontières et Réconciliation. Deutschland und seine Nachbarn, Brüssel 2012, S. 239-262.

    Dippel, Anne: Politeia V in Wien. Familien- und Bildungspolitik, In: Politix. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaften 30, Wien 2011.

    Dippel, Anne: Ironisches Prolegomenon für einen "Entartungsschutz des Menschen" zum vernünftigen Wesen. Vom Homo Sapiens Sapiens zum Homo Sapiens Optivus, In: Grunwald, Armin/ von Hartlieb, Justus (Hg.): Ist Technik die Zukunft der menschlichen Natur?, Göttingen 2011, S. 104-114.

    Dippel, Anne: Donner Présent. Auf den Spuren des philosophischen Tricksters Jacques Derrida, In: Glanz & Elend. Magazin für Kultur und Zeitkritik 4, Bielefeld 2009.

    Dippel, Anne: Frames of Judy. Zu Judith Butlers kriegs- und medienphilosophischem Konzept. Frames of War, In: Glanz & Elend. Magazin für Kultur und Zeitkritik 4, Bielefeld 2009.

  • Reviews

    Academic review for Dippel, Anne: Dichten und Denken in Österreich. Eine literarische Ethnographie, Wien 2015. By Womelsdorf, Andreas in H-Soz-Kult, Rezensionen 2017. https://www.hsozkult.de/publicationreview/id/rezbuecher-24828Externer Link